Colin Renfrew was one of the most important archaeologists of the 20th century. He was an inspiriational figure in every way. From the time he wrote about Libby's (1949) radiocarbon dating, he charted a revolution that changed archaeology as we know it today. . . and beyond
See these classic/seminal readings:
Renfrew, C. 1972. The Emergence of Civilisation. London. [A pioneering and seminal work, which largely defined and re-defined the field. Chapters 1–4 and 21.]
Renfrew, C. 1976. Before Civilization. London: Pimlico.
An early person he engaged with, Marija Gimbutas, acknowledged his retractions, when a theory was not proved. - They were both great archaeologists, and worked closely together.
For myself, he was Master of Jesus College during my day, and was a great Master of the College. I'll never forget him dancing with his wife Jane in the Hall.
Colin Renfrew was an inspirational person in my life. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to meet him in person, and will always treasure what I have learned from him.